Thursday, 13 November 2014

Healthy Lifestyles Unit of Inquiry

Who We Are

An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

Central idea
Healthy lives require a balance of many integrated factors.

Lines of inquiry
  • What happens to food when we eat it.
  • The kinds of food which are necessary for people to grow and remain healthy.
  • How hygiene and exercise contribute to good health.
  • The body’s need for a balance of rest and exercise.

Creating the healthy eating plate.

What food group is this?

Sorting the foods.

Recording our learning.

Constructing our central idea puzzle.

Investigating the digestive system.

Taking down key words in preparation for non fiction research.

Recording our understanding.

Investigating the word family of <heal>: the base of "healthy".

Gr 1-2 preparing Diwali Celebration

We created designs for Diwali using chalk then coloured rice.

Creating the design.

Spreading the rice on the design.

Almost finished.

Still Life Drawing

As part of our Healthy Living unit we have created our own healthy still life drawings. We were introduced to some special drawing techniques and different drawing media. We mixed these up in our drawings. We talked about special ways to show that an object is in the background.

Beginning of Term 2 - Preparing Discovery Table

Our Discovery Table is a very important part of our room. 
Children from other classes sometimes bring items in to put there. We have a lot of special treasures on display. 
We have all sorts of interesting objects there 
to investigate, feel and smell. 

Word Study- Two

We investigated some number words during Maths Week. 
We found out the "twig" and "twenty" and "between" 
are all related to "two". 
It is interesting that the "w" is only pronounced in the related words and not in  "two" itself.

See-saws and Levers

When we investigated levers being used as see-saws we discovered some very interesting facts about how it could be easier to lift a heavy weight. 
We used a lot of mathematical language related to fractions and comparison whilst doing this.

Maths Week

During Maths Week we did a lot of estimating of large numbers of objects, measuring and searching for different shapes. We investigated where many mathematical words came from and made many connections. We used standard and non-standard measurements.
Investigating and understanding the word <mathematics>

Measuring using feet



identifying effective strategies for mental calculation

We visited Mr Scott's class during the week.

Ms Amy and Mr Daniel came in to tell us about how they used maths in their jobs. It was so interesting!
We created a large 'mindmap' about mathematics.