Monday 24 February 2014

Understanding Multiplication

One way of understanding multiplication is to think in groups or collections of certain numbers. Here we are imagining planning a party for four people.
Each child gets two cookies.

Making sure each plate has the same number.
Making our own plates.
Trying the sharing ourselves.

Here we told stories about what we had represented on our plates. Deep learning is achieved when we can represent number facts physically or pictorially as well as being able to describe the representation in detail.

Trip to Taman Kencana

We did a lot of planning over this unit. Children worked in collaborative groups supporting each other in the planning process. We used the planning from my big trip to guide us for this local trip.
Planning the safety list.

Safety is always high on our lists.

What information do we need before planning and going on the trip?

There is always a lot of research to do.

Supporting English language learners through collaborative tasks.

Reviewing our plans before departure and reminders about our safety procedures.

Road crossings.

Getting our bearings.

We visited the house of a good friend on the way. 

Getting our maps up to date with the key features of the park.

Getting it all lined up.

Draft maps

Working on the final drafts.

Good results come from hard work and effort.

Monday 3 February 2014

How We Organize Ourselves - Planning a Journey

Our current Unit of Inquiry centres on

  How We Organise Ourselves

Preparation before leaving

It is an inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organisations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.

Our central idea is that: 

Planning a journey requires a range of organisational skills and strategies.

Through this unit we will look at the key concepts of  Perspective, Function and Responsibility

We will inquire into:
·          The attributes that make a location personally appealing; Perspective,
·          The procedures of booking and planning a journey within Indonesia; Function
·          The obligations and protocols that people must follow when planning a journey in our society; Responsibility
Finding the way

We hope that through the sharing of and looking at how adults might plan a major trip such as a camping trip, children will be able to effectively plan a trip that the class can go on. I shared photos of my recent trip to Tasmania and how I organised an overnight camping trip.
The trail

Setting up camp
In the past weeks students have looked closely at how to plan a trip and what we need to consider in different environments. Through this blog we will be sharing some of the work they have been doing. One of our first tasks was to map the local community when we went on our first trip to Taman Kencana. As part of this unit will look at how we use maps to find our way around and represent the real world.

We always look at the central idea and identify the bases and meaning sof the key words. This is very important right at the outset.

Identifying some things we need to consider when we are planning a journey.

Arranging the planning in a sensible order.