Sunday, 14 December 2014

Our new Unit of Inquiry is: Where We Are In Place and Time

This is an inquiry into  the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations.

The central idea is: The country I live in has a varied and distinctive culture

The key concepts are responsibility, connection and reflection with some related concepts of artefacts, identity, religion, traditions, location, acceptance, traditions, similarities

The lines of inquiry are:

  • The mapping of geographical locations in Indonesia
  • The artefacts associated with the traditions and religions of Indonesia’s various cultures
  • How ISB celebrates and embraces Indonesian culture

Over the course of this unit students will build a greater appreciation of the diversity and similarities across Indonesian cultures and be able to compare Indonesia to other cultures. They will also be able to describe certain aspects of the cultures we study and locate key islands on a map.
The use of video, actual artefacts, guest musicians and guest speakers will be vital to the success of this unit.


  1. Happy New Year Grade 1 and 2! This unit look set to be very interesting! I look forward to seeing develop over the weeks and in assembly.

  2. Wow! That seems like a interesting new unit! I really look forward into seeing the Grade 1 and 2 show everyone what they have learned so far!
