Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Maths - Doubling

Using doubles to solve number problems is a great strategy to learn.

Practicing using doubles to solve questions created by each other.

4th Unit of Inquiry : How The World Works

Transdisciplinary Themes
How the World Works

An inquiry into the natural world and the laws, the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological} and human societies; how human use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

Central Idea
All  living things go through a process of change

Lines of Inquiry

  • Life cycles
  • How living things change over time
  • Developmental stages of various living things
Key Concepts
  • Form
  • Change
  • Connection
Transdisciplinary Skills
  • Communication
  • Thinking
  • Research
Learner Attitudes
  • Curiosity
  • Commitment
  • Integrity
  • Appreciation
Learner Profiles
  • Caring
  • Knowledgeable
  • inquirer

Putting the pieces together.

Puzzle complete

Setting up the central idea and developing lines of inquiry.

Mr. Nils

Our guest speaker - Mr Nils. Providing our class with an insight of how living things change and grow.
Showing us how they each provide one another with nutrients to help continue it's development.

Helping to develop a visual representation of the journey of one living thin to the other.

Question and answer time.
Big thank you Mr Nils for sharing the afternoon with Grade 1 & 2.

Van Gogh

van Gogh provided the inspiration for looking at a range of vibrant and rich colors.
Choosing to focus on his 'Sunflowers' we first looked at the textures and colors by creating paper representations. 

Bring on the paint - the children begin by using rich warm colors of the sunflowers.

Sunday, 24 April 2016


The simplistic and effective work of Mondrian helped the children explore the use of primary colors, white and black. 

Learning TIme

Tick tock - What's the time Grade 1 & 2? Working to understand both analogue and digital time.

Fraction 'Loopy' - A group or whole class activity that challenges each player to know and recall their fractions - the visual representation and the written form.

Flower Painting

Searching the school grounds for inspiration -
Grade 1 & 2 explored to natural formations of plants, trees and flowers to help them paint their own piece of art. 

Class brain storm and idea generation.

Ms Donna showing one of the many different techniques the students were encouraged to try.

Their turn - artist's at work


Next the class learnt about Kandinsky and the way he used colors to create beautiful pieces of art.
Maxi and Ye Seo explore secondary colors by using his circles as inspiration.