Thursday 6 October 2016

End of Term 1


Oh my goodness, how quickly this term has passed.
I am very proud of the work that has been completed, the things that each student has learnt and the way that they all have participated in our learning     adventure.

I would also like to thank you, our wonderful parents for all of the contributions that you have made to our class and for taking time out to attend the ‘Parent – Teacher Conferences’. Your feed-back is important and an essential aspect of your child’s learning and development.

Ms Mersy and I have updated the blog with all of the learning and images from this term. We would love to hear what you think – please feel free to comment in the boxes underneath each section.

We are looking at more ways to present your child’s voice. I hope to have audio and visual presentations on the blog, so will continue to investigate how we can do this.
Our last job before we head on our break is to have class activities and school events for Term 2, times and dates, to keep you up to date with things.

On that note, please be safe, enjoy your holiday and both of us look forward to seeing the kids back at school on Monday 17th October.

Kind regards,
Ms Donna and Ms Mersy 

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