Friday 23 August 2013

Maths - Doubling

One of our important goals in maths this year is to learn strategies to be able to count effectively and efficiently.

The doubling strategy:
The doubling strategy is one of the most important strategies that young children learn in order for them to be able to successfully calculate mentally. Current educational thinking tells us that children need to become effective users of number.

To begin with, the children were required to build a rectangle with Lego blocks and
then build another one similar but double the size.
This allowed me to assess their current understanding
of the concept of doubling. 

Learning and playing the doubling game
using one digit numbers.
double 4, double 5, double 6, double 7, double 8, double 9
Games help to reinforce new learning and
allow children to practise new skills. 

Playing math games also ensures that children
learn to be collaborative and cooperative.
Demonstrating thinking through 'hands on' materials
 is the first step to understanding. Asking children to explain their thinking is one of the most significant ways to
assess their understanding.


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