Thursday 8 September 2016

Mid-term 1 Newsletter

Grade 1 & 2 Mid-term Newsletter
How quickly this first term is going. The children have settled into class well and are getting used to the new class dynamics, expectations and routines. I am really enjoying their attitudes to learning, enthusiasm and behavior.
Our first units of work are slowly coming to an end. We have looked at simple machines, how they work and the way in which they make things easier. The Olympics enabled us to learn about why and how these games came about, it also has given us the opportunity to look at the human body – making tin and paper mache athletics. In mathematics we have been exploring addition and subtraction, numbers to 100, doubling and halving strategies.

Our Unit of Inquiry’s central idea is:
People create organizations to solve problems and support human endeavor and enterprise
Using a ‘survival’ on a desert island scenario, the students are learning how to light a fire, build a shelter, and find water and food. So I am hoping that you have been having some interesting conversations.
With this ‘scenario’ in mind, I would like to have an overnight camp with the class on Thursday 15th September. We will sleep in the school hall. The evening will involve games, hut building, swimming and camp fire stories. We would prepare our own night meal and breakfast from the food available on our ‘island’.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated so that the planning can be confirmed. We may also need a couple of volunteers.

Just some housekeeping now.
Swimming will continue until the end of the term and we will see what the weather is like and decide if it will continue in term 2.
We have a number of students that are coming in at or after 8am in the morning, they are missing an important part of the morning. If it is possible to have everyone in class at 7:45am it would be much appreciated.
Lastly, with many thanks to Ibu Mercy, we have refreshed and added images and captions to our class blog of our learning so far this year. So please check it out – your kids are awesome.

As always, if you do have any concerns or question please let me know. Enjoy your long weekend.   Ms Ali, Ms Megan and I are heading to Jogjakarta to explore some more of this beautiful country.

Kind regards Ms Donna aka The Cat in the Hat

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