Tuesday 27 September 2016

The Survival Island Camp 15th September 2016

The Survival Island Camp

What an amazing experience for the students. The children certainly enjoyed all aspects of this adventure. 

Before I begin sharing lots of photos and stories, I would like to acknowledge Ibu Mersy, Ms Ali, Pak Sam and the security guys for making this possible.

Ava making friends with the wildlife
Working on building their bed for the night.
Done, already for night time.

Knot tying with Ms Ali - it is a lot harder than it looks until you have got it, then you wonder why you had some much trouble.
Ibu Mersy got it!
The girls got it!
Our amazing dinner - all the things that we would have found on a tropical island - fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and chicken.
Best bit - eating with our fingers, no plates, knives and forks to be found.
Putting our knot tying skills, hut designing and build techniques to use.
Finally, weaving for the walls and the roof of our shelters. Pretty awesome skills. I would be happy to be stranded with this group of kids.

Well done Grade 1 & 2

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