Monday 12 September 2016

The Island
                 Grade 1 & 2 Camp

Thank you for allowing your child to come on this overnight adventure with myself and Ms Ali.
With Ms Ali, Ibu Mersy and Ms Megan helping in different role and chores, We do not need any extra help.
Please remember that we are creating a deserted island scenario and will try to imagine the difficulties that we would face should this be real. 

With this in mind, I have selected only a few items for the children to bring along.
  • ·         1 set of old clothes (that can get dirty) Pants, t-shirt, underwear, socks, shoes and a sweat-shirt.
  • ·         1 soft toy for bedtime
  • ·         A torch
  • ·         Pillow, bed sheet and sleeping bag or bed cover
  • ·         Tooth brush and tooth paste.
  • ·         Swimmers and a towel.

No electronics or sweets please.

Our adventure starts after school activities on Thursday afternoon. 

Our adventure starts after school activities on Thursday afternoon.
Children will be involved in a range of activities including swimming, hut making, knot tying, weaving, food preparation and co-operation games. They will make their beds in the hall and meal preparation and eating will be in the eating area of school.
On Friday, all activities including Bahasa Indonesia, Swimming and Music will be held at Ms Ali, Ms Megan and Ms Donna’s house next to school.

For catering and collection of resources, we need to have your permission forms in ASAP. (Found in your child's homework folder)

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